What if Satan has shifted his strategy? What Satan once did with Legalism, he now does with the relationally-focused, freedom-perverted "gospel" we now teach at our pulpits. He no longer tries to force us into having tunnel-vision righteousness as practiced by observing strict religious laws; he makes us feel righteous by having us think our God is altogether like us (Psa 50:21), accessible through relationship and quick to ignore our sins, since Christ died for them already.
I have serious problems with thinking the freedom God gives us through Christ is in regards to our preferential lifestyle choices! I know we ignore Paul's words in Romans 6:1 when we think we are free to do anything other than loving God and our neighbor RADICALLY.
As far as God's approachable nature: He is approachable and we can and do have relationship with Him. That is not the whole picture, however. We say all the time that God never changes, but most of us do not believe that. We read the graphically violent, obsessive zeal of God in Exodus, Joshua, Judges, etc., where He slays thousands of Egyptian firstborns, hundreds of Egyptian soldiers, and commands His chosen people to leave none remaining in the land... we read it and dismiss that God remains that way because God is Love. We fail to think critically that perhaps the love that we addictively affix ourselves to, is not a relationally-focused, "God is my best friend" kind of love.
How many of us consider the Love that God is has not us as its subject, but God Himself?!
God is most concerned with His own Glory and acknowledgement of His splendor FAR MORE than He is with how "healthy" our relationship with Him is.
My fear is that if we do not start to address this in our teaching to the Church, the vast majority of believers will remain deceived and be utterly shocked the moment they appear before the glorified Lord, and not in a good way. Why else do you think the apostle John fell to his face before Christ on Patmos when receiving the Revelation? Why did Joshua fall on his face before the Commander of the Lord's army? They were scared to death of their inferiority compared to Christ glorified.
The Glorified LORD convicts Man of his utter depravity.
When we think God is altogether like us, one who is strictly gentle and loving to us foremost, as we are to ourselves, we worship a false god.
The true gospel is not freedom from sin to do as we please and abounding grace for our failure to engage God's commands. It is not new-found relationship with God. The true gospel is that there is a God so magnificently Glorious that He was compelled to express it through a created universe and that despite knowing the creatures He designed to bear His image would become completely corrupt, He chose to allow it to happen nonetheless so that the intensified display of His Glory may be seen by all, as He poetically works His sovereign might to correct it all through the work on the Cross, cursing His begotten Son to death, that the whole world may know that He is God and He will spare those that believe all that He truly is, none less.
The true relationship and outpouring of His mercy and grace is found only as we recognize our place in creation, as He reveals it. This is the only hope we have for salvation. Anything that deters from it is false doctrine, intended to deceive and lead people astray from the commands God decrees for His creation, to love and adore God and express it to those around you, that they too may be fortunate enough for God to reveal Himself to them too.
This post is titled "Divine Appointments" because I trust God orchestrated my listening of Piper's sermon with just that tiny little nugget of insight regarding legalism to help me connect Legalism's similarity to what we do now in holding fast to the presumptuous Relational Approach of the Faith. We think by working on our relationship with God, we are fulfilling the Will of God, as if Man can do that. We have deceived ourselves to think this is God's intent for existence. We think we are charged to work at growing closer to God and growing closer together in unity, because we see descriptions of it is Scripture. But we fail to see with "God's Glory" lenses that it is all about Him and His ministry to us, for Him to accomplish all of the unifying, all of the increasing intimacy with Him.
To think we are capable of accomplishing anything of value in our own merit - even to label our own merit as God's empowering (when it is not because our perspective/motives are wrong) - is to cheapen the value of the Cross of Christ and dismiss the value of the grace which flows from it. How dare we rather trust in our own fruit, which appears before the Lord as filthy rags (Isaiah 64:6). How dare we preach anything that exalts our power to accomplish anything for the Kingdom apart from God doing it through us, His instruments. How dare we attribute our own fruit as God's, further deceiving ourselves of our false doctrines' validity. Is that not false humility?
I trust as God divinely appointed my listening of that insight, He will divinely appoint your reading of my post. Seek God and ask for His insight on your life. The consequences are too dire otherwise.
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