And I was not disappointed.
Requesting to not be brought up right away, I had a moment under the water to "bury" the selfishness and independence. I truly felt the pride of the Father on me as I arose anew.
To top it off, I helped baptize a young man I work with and mentor! To top that off, I left the water and another client wanted my help in understanding how to do this "God thing!"
It's as if my Daddy wanted to blow my mind away with his favor. He is so close!
Do you know that? What keep you from believing there is a God full of love that is crazy about you? There is a lyric from Jason Upton's song One Step Away that speaks volumes:
My God how I long to see you now.
And something in my heart tells me somehow You're one step away.
A distant sound is hard to hear even a sound as loud as thunder
A distant heart is full of fear a distant soul has lost its wonder
Sometimes it's hard to hear your voice, my God
Is the reason why you're whispering because You're one step away?
Maybe God is one step from you in distance and if he spoke aloud instead of a whisper, it would be like a crack of lightning and thunder, too loud for human ears!
Oh, please get to know the Lord! Listen for Him. Ask Him to show up. He does not disappoint ever, and if you think He does, tell Him and argue with Him and discover how good our God is as He draws you into his love and acceptance!
The God of creation accepts the broken. Do mask your frailty. Take it to the cross and find new life.
Okay. That's good for now. Call me if you want help working your thoughts/fears/doubts out.